Finally, some pics

I fianlly got around to downloading pictures off my camera, then uploading then into my online gallery last night. I even found pictures on the camera that I had forgotten I had taken. One is a couple ounces of raoving I dyed with food coloring (I have yet to get around to spinning it up… need to do that).

The other is a couple of scarves I made for my Mom for her birthday. She had told me she wanted “one of those scarves.” Since I wasn’t sure which kind of scarf she was talking about I knit two. The glittery one is knit out of a skein of blended yarn I got at my LYS for $36. The other is made out of Bernat Boa… $10 at JoAnn’s. My Mom prefers the glittery one… the Boa scarf is that one that people identify with (no accounting for taste). My Mom says she’s been taking a great deal of pleasure in telling people it’s a Borchardt Original (*snarf*) whenever someone asks where she bought it.

And finally… the moment you’ve all been waiting for…

The Wool Peddler’s Shawl

72″ wide, 34″ tall… and quite nice, if I do say so myself.

Lace close-up

Haiku Wednesday

Falling leaf?
Wings beating lightly
Tiger butterfly passes

Regretably, no pictures of the shawl. They are still laying dormant on my camera. But, the shawl is winging its way towards TN.

In lieu of pictures, I present for your reading pleasure (if you’re into that sort of thing) my recently written library history paper: (sorry, taken down)… all 23 pages of it. No, don’t worry, there’s only like 18 pages of actual writing and even 5 of that is appendices.

I will say this, the stuff they put in newspapers 100 years ago is just funny.

Two finished objects

The Wool Peddler’s Shawl has been blocked and looks great… I even have pictures taken, but I am too lazy at the moment to upload them from my camera. Gotta keep people coming back for more, right?

The second finished object is my Library History paper…. that only took forever to complete. It has now been emailed to the professor and is out of my hands. If you’re into that sort of thing, I’ll try to link to it tomorrow, too.

Must go get something to eat…. I’ve been working on the paper since 9 AM (that’s just today’s work) and didn’t bother to stop and eat. Now I have no excuse.

*ugh* Majorly crashing as adreneline leaves my system…..

It’s not a Flaw… it’s a Feature!

I finished the Wool Peddler’s Shawl (officially this time) on Monday night. It took me about 2.5 hours to finish the sewn cast-off, but it looks really nice. Now I just need to wash it and block it. You’ll get pictures when it looks pretty… right now it looks a bit lumpy.

I did a swatch and cast-on for the Beginner’s Triangle last night. This morning I discovered a new design feature that I have added to the pattern. I photocopied the chart because there is no way I was going to cart around a hardcover copy of A Gathering of Lace. Unfortunately, certain things didn’t show up in the copy… those certain things being the purl stitches at the end of each row. They’re there to create a clean edge… the first stitch of each row is slipped as if to knit. Well, I have been knitting the last stitch of each row… opps. Since I was on Row 18 when I discovered this (by looking up something in the book) I decided it looks just fine and to continue as I have been. *shhh* Don’t tell anyone.

Secret Pal
I still haven’t figured out who my Secret Pal was.

But I can happily say that my other Secert Pal (the one I was sending to) is Lisa @ Slip Knot Pixie. Yea!

Monday again

Once again it is Monday and I find myself at work… the last place I want to be. I have no idea where I’d rather be or what I’d rather be doing, but work just isn’t it. It’s just a blah day… there’s no motivation to do my job, not even my paycheck.

My Thanks
Thanks to everyone who shared their sympathy over the fridge situtation. I think it’s a problem in any workplace with a communal fridge. I think it was just the last straw for me last week, and I snapped. But, a loud angry blog posting is probably better than me actually yelling and throwing things in the breakroom. (I don’t get out-right angry easily, but when I do I have a tendancy of throwing a fit… usually I just get pissed off or frustrated and I might give people looks and fume, but I tend to keep it to myself.) I’m thinking of inveting in a mini fridge. Kenmore makes a 1.7 cubic ft mini fridge that’s only like $60 at Sears. I figure that’s a worthwhile proce to pay to not have people taking my food… and who knows over time, if they keep doing it, the cost of lost food could eventually add up to the cost of the fridge.

Sunday, when I finally got around to checking for Saturday’s mail, there was a package from Marina containing a couple of lovely lavender sachets. I like lavender… I like all herb-y sorts of scents. One sachet came to work with me today in order to try to establish a sense of calm in my cube. *Crosses fingers* Here’s hoping it’ll work. I think the other will find its place amongst part of my wool stash. I have cedar balls in with the wool that’s in a dresser drawer, but my overflow is in plastic storage without anything to chase off pests or keep it from smelling plastic-y and stale. So, many thanks to Marina from me and my yarn!

Actual Knitting Content
I unofficially finished the Wool Peddler’s Shawl last night. It’s unofficial cause I am still working on the cast-off. I decided to go with the sewn cast-off from Knitting Without Tears; I think it gives a nicer edge, which I think this shawl deserves. But, it’s going to take forever. I started casting off last night and got about 8 inchs done in about half an hour. I think part of the problem is the ass long end I’m using, but I’d rather be using too much for the cast-off then run out an inch from the end, which happens more than I like to remember.

As soon as the cast-off is finish I’ll be casting on for the shawl for me… it shall be mine… mine, I tell you! Bwahahaha! *Clears throat* Excuse me, yes, I shall be making a shawl for myself. Of course, I could also cast-on a sweater for myself. I went to my LYS on Saturday and they were selling all their Cascade yarn at 20%. Couldn’t pass up a sale, now could I? I picked up enough Cascade 220 for Mariah in color 4148 (I think)… it’s a heathery mauve color.

I also got to pick up my drum carder while I was there on Saturday. Yea! Drum carder! Let the rejoying commence for my precious is in my grasp. Sadly, I’ve been so busy it is still in the box. *pout*

It’s That Time of Semester
While I have not yet redeveloped my eye twitch from last semester, the next 2 weeks could see it coming for a visit. I have a 20 page paper on the history of a California library (I’m researching the Mountain View Public Library) due in a week. I have 2 small Web projects due this Wednesday and next Wednesday. I have my History of Books and Libraries final exam on the 16th, and my final Web project is due on the 18th. *ack*

Secret Pal
A trip to the post office on Saturday saw off the last package to my secret pal, a goodie package to the person for which I’m a secret pal angel, and finally, the felted kitty bed for my sister’s new kitten. Yea!

Unfortunately, my secret pal (the one that was sending me goodies) has not revealed themself. Secret pal, are you out there? Are there email problems again? Have you revealed yourself in your blog and I some how missed it (actually, that wouldn’t be that hard… I had so much of a back log in Bloglines that I only skimmed the blogs, and then Bloglines started making me login every third blog.) If you have tried to get a message to me and I have missed please try my email again, or post a comment here. For now, whoever you are, thank you for being my secret pal. 🙂

Time Warp

The closer I get to the end the further away it seems to be*. 16 rows of lace left on the Wool Peddler’s Shawl. I think it feels like it’s taking so long because I have my next project picked out. I can’t start the new shawl until this one is done, because I know I would leave the Wool Peddler’s Shawl behind, uncompleted. If I just finish it before moving on I won’t have to worry about it staring at me from the knitting bag I keep it in. Lace does that you know… stares glaringly when you have cast it aside for another project. At least my lace projects do. If you have a deadline for the lace project it mumbles incoherently as well; it knows it shouldn’t be forgotten because it has a debut to look forward to.

I’m still procrastinating on the main part of my secret pal’s last package. This time around I am blaming it on my yard stick going missing, which isn’t really much of an excuse. It’s just that it’s the only long straight edge I have. I’ll either have to find it or make do… most likely I’ll be making do, then I’ll find it when I no longer need it.

*I always think of Waiting for Godot when I think of the idea of approaching infinity. My English teacher even had an inclass demonstration… she put a garbage can across the room and told the student to walk towards the garbage can, each stride was to be half the size of the one before. He could walk forever and never reach the garbage can. For some reason she explained it better than my calculus teacher did.

For whom the dust floats

The insanity of a trip to Ikea is not too bad when you know what it is you want and when you do it at 6:30 pm on a Friday. One desk, 4 bookcases, and 1 Pöang chair with ottoman. Saturday, I went off to the LYS while the Husband stayed at home, assembled new furnature, and did away with the largest of the old bookcases. Sunday, we moved the other old bookcase out of the living room and replaced it with a bookcase/drawer combo thing that had been in the office. And there was much dust, sweat, and rejoicing to have it done.

Unfortunately, all the dust set off my asthma yesterday and I had to go home early from work. Thankfully, a couple hits off my inhaler did the job. I hate the idea of having to go to the emergency room for an attack; the amount of medicine they give me makes me really ill. The Husband came home early as well to make sure I was alright, and he made me peppermint tea, which helped a lot.

Sitting around taking it easy yesterday afternoon allowed me to finish my Mom’s birthday gift. Then I did a couple more rows on the Wool Peddler’s Shawl… only 19 more rows of lace to go. I’m looking forward to this shawl being done, not because I’m bored with it, which I’m not, but because I want to get started on my Brooks Farm shawl for myself. Aside from the odd pair of socks, I haven’t made anything for myself in awhile. This time it’s my turn to get something pretty.

Friday and weekend plans

I actually woke up at 7:30 this morning and felt ready to get up. I wish I could say it’s because I’m finally getting used to Daylight Savings Time (which I loathe with a passion), but I think it’s more likely that I just finally got a good night’s sleep after seeing my chiropractor yesterday. Having my neck and lower back adjusted gets rid of the stiff back feeling I’ve had every other morning this week.

After the storm we had whip through here yesterday and seeing some blue sky this morning I thought it would be safe to ride my scooter to work. My scooter is now getting it’s first bath. Between the wind and the rain pourin down you’d think it was January.

I’m still feeling some knitting blahs and didn’t work on anything last night. I looked at the Wool Peddler’s Shawl and thought about working on it, but then proceeded to completely ignore it. I think I mihgt take the Brooks Farn yarn to the LYS with me tomorrow and see if I can garner suggestions… I should at the very least get opinions. 🙂 If you’ve ever been to the Rug and Yarn Hut, you know what I mean. One important thing I need to take care of while I’m there tomorrow is ordering a drum carder. *squee* The husband and his parents went in together and got me a gift certificate that’ll pay for half a drum carder, and I should be getting my bonus for Q1 in a couple weeks, which’ll cover the other half. If it’s anywere near as nifty as I understand drum carders to be, I just might have to name it “My Precious.”

Speaking of names… I think I have finally come up with a good name for my scooter… Sake. It’s a Yamaha, which means it’s Japanese, and it’s a Vino scooter, which is Italian for wine… so, Sake — Rice wine. *hehe* Bad, I know. But it seems fitting.

The most important part of this weekend will be Sunday. The husband has arranged for a sauna/hot tub session at Watercourse Way in Palo Alto to be followed by massages. Mmmmm….

Nothing to report, not really

The fiber blahs
Nothing new is really happening on the knitting front. I’m still working on the lace of the Wool Peddler’s Shawl. It’s going much smoother than it was when I didn’t know how to count. Since I finished the Cappucino socks, the Wool Peddler’s Shawl is the only thing I’ve got going. Maybe that’s the problem… it feels weird to only have one thing to work on; I’m used to having a choice. Maybe I should start considering what to do with my Brook’s Farm yarn with more seriousness. Another I don’t know if I want to work on 2 shawls at the same time… especially since both of them would be out of a wool/mohair worsted yarn. *blah* Too similar. Maybe another pair of socks is in order. They’re so nice to carry around in my purse. I also have the Noro that I picked up at Knitting by the Sea with the gift certificate my sister gave me for Christmas (they were having a sale… everything was 20% off… I got 3 skeins of Noro Kuryeon for a felt bag, and 2 skeins of a superwash sock yarn is this great light turquoise color)… I think if I were to do another felted bag out of Noro, I would make it wider than the first one (which I made following the Booga Bag pattern). Too many things to contemplate just for one new project. (And a felt bag out of the Noro would only take a couple days.) I want to make myself a cardigan, but I have sort of made that a reward for losing a certain amount of weight (that is a ways off… although I’m starting Weight Watchers on Tuesday so maybe I’ll get then quicker than I am on my own). I might just make the reward knitting myself a Rogue sweater, and make a cardigan now so I’m not cold at work.

I’ve been wanting to do some spinning, but by the time I get home I feel uninspired. I spun up some singles out of this merino fleece I just got… I washed a small sample (needed 2 soap baths), let it dry, then carded it. But I haven’t even bothered to ply it yet. I dyed some of the light grey romney roving I have thinking that might get me going, but nothing.

It’s a bit frustrating wanting to do these things, but feeling a lack of motivation.

Secret Pal
Maybe I’m feeling the knitting blahs cause I am procrastinating working on my secret pal’s last installment. (Since she isn’t going to get it any time soon… it’ll probably wing it’s way to her closer to the end of the month and the end of Secret Pal 4… I’ll divulge.) The main part of this month’s shipment is going to be a handmade needle case. I am going to experiment first and make one for myself (my needles are getting out of control). But working on this requires getting my sewing machine set up properly again… and possibly getting additional bobbins, which you can just see me rushing out to do.

I’m a little worried that I RAOK I sent out last month may have run into problems. I had Delivery Confirmation on it, and the post office claims it was delivered. But the person I sent it to never acknowledged it. So, now I’ve got thoughts running through my head like the postal person delivered it, but only left it on the door step and someone happened by and took it, running off to enjoy yarn and chocolate by themselves. *gah* What can I say, I have an active imagination. I will just have to hope that it did reach it’s intended recipiant, who is now busy rolling around in yarn with a mouth full of chocolate. *grin*

9 + 1 does indeed equal 10

Cappucino Socks
Les Cappucino Socks sont finis!

I finished them at Lulu Carpenter’s in Santa Cruz Saturday night… sort of. I finished the toe decreases and couldn’t for the life of me remember how to graft the toe shut. So they were officially finished Sunday morning with the Kitchner instructions in front of me. You would think with the number of times I’ve done this I could remember how to do it.

For complete details, see Finished Objects from Outer Space.

The Wool Peddler’s Shawl
I kept trying, but I could not make 9 + 1 = 10. Then, I figured out that I was missing a yarn over. My brain kept it in the equation, I understood exactly where it belonged in the pattern, but I neglected to actually, physically include it in the shawl. So, now the lace portion is truely underway… let the rejoicing beginning.

Today I rode my scooter to work… it was fun. *grin* I had no problems with my laptop strapped across my back. I thought it might give me some slight problems, moving around or the weight of it. But, for the most part, I didn’t really notice it.

I have also just gotten word that my new helmet (in wine) is in. The husband, who is taking the day off from work due to stress, is coming to get me so I can pick it up and get lunch with him. I’ll be able to ride home without my eyes getting all teary from the wind… sunglasses work a little, but a visor will be so much better. And it’s red… my favorite color red. *sqeee*