The fiber blahs
Nothing new is really happening on the knitting front. I’m still working on the lace of the Wool Peddler’s Shawl. It’s going much smoother than it was when I didn’t know how to count. Since I finished the Cappucino socks, the Wool Peddler’s Shawl is the only thing I’ve got going. Maybe that’s the problem… it feels weird to only have one thing to work on; I’m used to having a choice. Maybe I should start considering what to do with my Brook’s Farm yarn with more seriousness. Another I don’t know if I want to work on 2 shawls at the same time… especially since both of them would be out of a wool/mohair worsted yarn. *blah* Too similar. Maybe another pair of socks is in order. They’re so nice to carry around in my purse. I also have the Noro that I picked up at Knitting by the Sea with the gift certificate my sister gave me for Christmas (they were having a sale… everything was 20% off… I got 3 skeins of Noro Kuryeon for a felt bag, and 2 skeins of a superwash sock yarn is this great light turquoise color)… I think if I were to do another felted bag out of Noro, I would make it wider than the first one (which I made following the Booga Bag pattern). Too many things to contemplate just for one new project. (And a felt bag out of the Noro would only take a couple days.) I want to make myself a cardigan, but I have sort of made that a reward for losing a certain amount of weight (that is a ways off… although I’m starting Weight Watchers on Tuesday so maybe I’ll get then quicker than I am on my own). I might just make the reward knitting myself a Rogue sweater, and make a cardigan now so I’m not cold at work.
I’ve been wanting to do some spinning, but by the time I get home I feel uninspired. I spun up some singles out of this merino fleece I just got… I washed a small sample (needed 2 soap baths), let it dry, then carded it. But I haven’t even bothered to ply it yet. I dyed some of the light grey romney roving I have thinking that might get me going, but nothing.
It’s a bit frustrating wanting to do these things, but feeling a lack of motivation.
Secret Pal
Maybe I’m feeling the knitting blahs cause I am procrastinating working on my secret pal’s last installment. (Since she isn’t going to get it any time soon… it’ll probably wing it’s way to her closer to the end of the month and the end of Secret Pal 4… I’ll divulge.) The main part of this month’s shipment is going to be a handmade needle case. I am going to experiment first and make one for myself (my needles are getting out of control). But working on this requires getting my sewing machine set up properly again… and possibly getting additional bobbins, which you can just see me rushing out to do.
I’m a little worried that I RAOK I sent out last month may have run into problems. I had Delivery Confirmation on it, and the post office claims it was delivered. But the person I sent it to never acknowledged it. So, now I’ve got thoughts running through my head like the postal person delivered it, but only left it on the door step and someone happened by and took it, running off to enjoy yarn and chocolate by themselves. *gah* What can I say, I have an active imagination. I will just have to hope that it did reach it’s intended recipiant, who is now busy rolling around in yarn with a mouth full of chocolate. *grin*