I fianlly got around to downloading pictures off my camera, then uploading then into my online gallery last night. I even found pictures on the camera that I had forgotten I had taken. One is a couple ounces of raoving I dyed with food coloring (I have yet to get around to spinning it up… need to do that).
The other is a couple of scarves I made for my Mom for her birthday. She had told me she wanted “one of those scarves.” Since I wasn’t sure which kind of scarf she was talking about I knit two. The glittery one is knit out of a skein of blended yarn I got at my LYS for $36. The other is made out of Bernat Boa… $10 at JoAnn’s. My Mom prefers the glittery one… the Boa scarf is that one that people identify with (no accounting for taste). My Mom says she’s been taking a great deal of pleasure in telling people it’s a Borchardt Original (*snarf*) whenever someone asks where she bought it.
And finally… the moment you’ve all been waiting for…
The Wool Peddler’s Shawl
72″ wide, 34″ tall… and quite nice, if I do say so myself.
Lace close-up