Time Warp

The closer I get to the end the further away it seems to be*. 16 rows of lace left on the Wool Peddler’s Shawl. I think it feels like it’s taking so long because I have my next project picked out. I can’t start the new shawl until this one is done, because I know I would leave the Wool Peddler’s Shawl behind, uncompleted. If I just finish it before moving on I won’t have to worry about it staring at me from the knitting bag I keep it in. Lace does that you know… stares glaringly when you have cast it aside for another project. At least my lace projects do. If you have a deadline for the lace project it mumbles incoherently as well; it knows it shouldn’t be forgotten because it has a debut to look forward to.

I’m still procrastinating on the main part of my secret pal’s last package. This time around I am blaming it on my yard stick going missing, which isn’t really much of an excuse. It’s just that it’s the only long straight edge I have. I’ll either have to find it or make do… most likely I’ll be making do, then I’ll find it when I no longer need it.

*I always think of Waiting for Godot when I think of the idea of approaching infinity. My English teacher even had an inclass demonstration… she put a garbage can across the room and told the student to walk towards the garbage can, each stride was to be half the size of the one before. He could walk forever and never reach the garbage can. For some reason she explained it better than my calculus teacher did.

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