Beginning to feel human again

I saw my chiropractor on Monday, which helped to get rid of most of my upper body pain (it was all coming from my neck). Saw a doctor on Tuesday (not my doctor cause this is the week she has chosen to be in Boston), and was told if it still hurts in a week I should see my doctor, then I was given a sample of Celebrex to help with the inflammation. Unfortunately, I can’t take any of my happy 600 mg Motrin while taking the Celebrex, but the Celebrex did reduce what’s left of the swelling by half… and I can still take the Vicodin (wheee!). And the doctor said I don’t need to wear the infernal brace anymore. I just wish I didn’t have to come into work. I can’t seem to find a comfortable position to put my knee in, and it feels stiff whenever I get up. *ugh* And, of course, my knee, which hadn’t hurt for the first 4 days, hurts now that I’m at work.

At least tomorrow’s Friday.

I think the Vicodin has been affecting my brain… I was putting some arnica on my bruises the other day and got thinking about how I could dye some yarn with a orange-y yellow, a reddish violet, a bluish indigo, and a blue black and call it “Bruised.” It would certainly match the bruise on my hip. It would just be a matter of getting the colors right…. definitely the Vicodin.

I’ve been slowly working on the new shawl I’m doing with the Brooks Farm Duet. I still haven’t gotten to the end of the part of the ball that I ripped out of the Beginner’s Triangle Shawl. I hadn’t realized I had used that much yarn. What I do need to do is come up with a good name for it… Sadly, nothing is coming to mind when I look at the shawl. Purple, blue, and black just don’t bring anything to the front of my brain… and it’s missing the yellow and reddish tones for my bruise colorway idea. *grin* I also need to commit to a lace edging. There are a couple in Heirloom Knitting that I am considering; perhaps whichever one I choose will lend a name to the shawl.

Dope Fiend

So, I would have posted this last night, but we didn’t get home from the hospital till almost 10 pm.

I had a bit of an accident on my way home from work yesterday. The cars in front of me stopped suddenly. I put my scooter down instead of slamming into the back of a car.

Thankfully, nothing is broken. I was walking (albeit with a limp) and talking after it happened. (I doubt anyone who stopped to help me reads any blogs, but I would still like to put my thanks out there.)

I called Josh to tell him what had happened and he left work. The nice people in the car behind me had called 911 and said an ambulance was on it way, but it never showed. A cop did cruise by, but I guess since I wasn’t still laying in the road he figured everything was cleared up. I’m glad I had my knitting with me, it gave me something to do other than losing it in a Safeway parking lot (Besides, my favorite Elizabeth Zimmermann quote is “Knit on with confidence and hope, through all crises”). Josh arrived and it was decided that he would follow me home, then I would get in the car and we would go to the ER.

The nice ER people weren’t too worried about my head, since I had no head pain or vision problems and had been wearing a helmet. The main reason I went was the searing pain in my right knee and hip (the first 2 things to hit the ground). They took x-rays of my knee, but they looked fine. The doctor pronounced contusion and hematoma, saying something about the cartilage on the back of my knee cap. My hip is just bruised (ha, just bruised… the thing is about 5 inches across… ow). I was set up with a knee immobilizer and a prescription for Vicodin and 600 mg Motrin (just so you know, regular Advil is 200 mg)… the Motrin stuff is kinda scary… the instructions say in big capitalized letters “Do NOT lay down for 30 minutes after taking this medication.” WTF?

As the triage nurse assured me, I am feeling pain in places I didn’t know I had today. My shoulders and down the tops of my arms are stiff and sore. I’m going to try to see my chiropractor on Monday to make sure I don’t have any whiplash problems. Thankfully, my knee and my hip only hurt if I touch them. But, I pretty much feel like I would expect after hitting the road at about 30 mph.

Sorry, if this is a bit disjointed… I’m going to blame it on the happy drugs.

The really sad thing is I just started spinning up some roving a dyed a few weeks ago… now I probably won’t be able to get back to it for at least 1-2 weeks. *sigh* At least I’ll have plenty of time for knitting. 🙂

9 + 1 does indeed equal 10

Cappucino Socks
Les Cappucino Socks sont finis!

I finished them at Lulu Carpenter’s in Santa Cruz Saturday night… sort of. I finished the toe decreases and couldn’t for the life of me remember how to graft the toe shut. So they were officially finished Sunday morning with the Kitchner instructions in front of me. You would think with the number of times I’ve done this I could remember how to do it.

For complete details, see Finished Objects from Outer Space.

The Wool Peddler’s Shawl
I kept trying, but I could not make 9 + 1 = 10. Then, I figured out that I was missing a yarn over. My brain kept it in the equation, I understood exactly where it belonged in the pattern, but I neglected to actually, physically include it in the shawl. So, now the lace portion is truely underway… let the rejoicing beginning.

Today I rode my scooter to work… it was fun. *grin* I had no problems with my laptop strapped across my back. I thought it might give me some slight problems, moving around or the weight of it. But, for the most part, I didn’t really notice it.

I have also just gotten word that my new helmet (in wine) is in. The husband, who is taking the day off from work due to stress, is coming to get me so I can pick it up and get lunch with him. I’ll be able to ride home without my eyes getting all teary from the wind… sunglasses work a little, but a visor will be so much better. And it’s red… my favorite color red. *sqeee*

Permitted to raise hell…

Scooter update
Got up this morning, and after heading to the coffee shop, went to the DMV. The husband came with (I think he really wanted to aovid going into work cause he’s not feeling well — allergies). Got right into line for people without appointments — took about 20 minutes to get to the counter where they gave me the form I needed to fill out and my ticket number (G123.. they were on G67.. fun). I actually only waited about an hour before they called my number, which was amazing considering that the listed wait time went from 51 minutes to 1 hour 29 minutes during my wait. Finally got called, paid my $25 fee, and got to stand in another line to get my picture taken and get my test. The guy puts me into the sytem: signature, thumb print, and photo (*ugh*), and hands me my test. I go off to take it, slightly confused because it’s the automobile written test, not the motorcycle written test. I take it anyway. Get into another line to get my test graded (only missed one question… you’re allowed to miss 6 your first time). This is when the grader dude realizes that I was supposed to take the motorcycle written test. He hands me the new test and tells me to come right back to him… thank goodness I don’t have to stand in line again. I missed 3 questions (you’re allowed to miss 4)… whew, just a little close, eh? But, I am now permitted by the state of CA to drive my scooter during daylight hours, not on freeways, and without passengers. I have a year to either take the on-cycle skills test or take the safety class, which waives the skills test but costs $200.

The book
I have finally gotten my hands on Stephanie’s book (I also finally managed to get a copy of Rosencrantz and Gildenstern are Dead on DVD) thanks to a local Barnes & Noble. Amazon, meanwhile, sent me a lame e-mail:

Hello, and thank you for writing back to us at with your

First, please allow me to extend my most sincere apologies for any
frustration this matter has caused.

I have checked “At Knit’s End : Meditations for Women Who Knit Too
Much” on our web site and found that this item was released on March
15, 2005.

Please note that the availability of this item on our web site
is “Usually ships within 2 to 3 days from”

This item has proven to be a very popular item. We have many customer
orders for this item, and we’ve just begun receiving copies from our
suppliers. We are filling orders as quickly as we can on a first-
come, first-served basis. I apologize for any misunderstanding.

In addition to a wide selection of items, one of our aims at is to provide a convenient and efficient service; in this
case, we have not met that standard.

I am truly sorry that we were not able to fulfill your expectations
for this level of service. I hope that you will give us another
opportunity to prove the quality of our service to you.

I have already read about a quarter of it — laughing for most of it, horrified on one occasion (that poor grey sweater…), but overall greatly enjoying myself. The husband seems to be getting a laugh out of it, too… but he has begun to understand the wool thing since I knit him socks and a sweater.

I just want to say thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday. They were great. 🙂

Ups and Downs of a Thursday

This morning I was doing my best impression of an unhappy camper. “Why?” you ask. Well, I got up, picked out a decent outfit, and spent 15 minutes putting on make-up (I only wear make-up for special occasions and when I know there’ll be pictures). I looked pretty cute, too. Then, I pulled up the DMV website to get directions to the branch I was going to… only to discover that they’re all closed today for Caesar Chavez Day. *GAH!* Between the wasted time getting ready and the paper cut I got under a fingernail when I was checking to make sure my checkbook was in my purse, I was not happy. I wanted to scream… I cried instead… stupid hormones. So, tomorrow morning I get to do it all again for the pleasure of trying to get my motorcycle permit. That means another day of nervous waiting. I know I should be nervous, the majority of the questions are ridiculously easy (the only ones I might have problems with are that ones that specifically refer to motocycle things like clutches and gears). No what I’m nervous about is absoluately stupid… I’m afraid I’m going to be made to take the auto written test and not pass it. See? Stupid. But these are the kinds of things that get stuck in my head and continue to rattle around. This is why I started knitting in the first place.

I have canceled my order with amazon. It still hadn’t shipped and I kind of doubt it would have shipped tomorrow. A call was placed to a local Barnes & Noble, where a very nice bookseller has put my name on a copy, and it is currently waiting for me to go and pick it up. Guess what my first stop on my way home from work will be… go on guess. *grin* If all goes well, I will be in possession of the bookbookbook by this evening. (It shouldn’t be this difficult to get a newly released book.)

Wool Peddler’s Shawl
I finally say down a couple nights ago to try and figure out what was going on with the Wool Peddler’s Shawl. I frogged back to the setup row, and I thought I figured out the problem when I found a dropped stitch about 6 rows down (the nice thing about the Peace Fleece is the stitches don’t run if you drop them). I used a crochet hook to bring it up, recounted my stitches, 231 the correct number according to the pattern. Start the lace again. Row 1 no problems, everything appeared to fall where it belonged. Row 2 had the same exact issue as before… the pattern wasn’t lining up correctly. It’s a 10 st lace pattern… I have 10 sts… I try to knit Row 2’s 10 sts (K1, P9) and it’s off by a stitch… I recounted 10 sts at least 5 times.. I even looked at the chart. Have I lost all capacity to count? That would be hard luck on a knitter, I think. I have no idea what it is I’m doing wrong. I might give it another go tonight… but if I’m still not getting it, it’s definitely going to the LYS on Saturday.


Saturday was a day of errands. One fo those errands was to stop by a Yamaha dealership to find out how long it would take to get in a Vino 125. We’ve been discussing getting me a scooter since last summer. Only having to drive 3-4 miles to get to work seems silly in a car… it definitely put a crimp in my gas milage. The Vino 125 can get between 65 and 85 mpg. The husband’s car is getting old and reaching the point of costing more than it’s worth (not considering sentimental value). So, the idea was get me a scooter for going to work, school, and my LYS, and let my husband use the Corolla to get to work (he has to go further than me). We knew that the Vino 125s are popular, and hard for dealers to keep on the floor — they go so quickly when they have them and take awhile to get in. We figured we’d go in, find out the wait time, and put down a deposit.

We drove onto the lot, and there was one sitting out front. But, it was silver, and I wanted the red. So, we checked out the silver one and headed inside to inquire about getting a red one. Over the next hour and a half the salesman convinced me that I didn’t want the red one because they look cheap and that, besides, they actually have a silver one here ready to go. The decision came down to buy this one and have it now, or wait… for at least 4 months (which is why there was one on the lot — a guy had put down a deposit and ordered it, and when the wait took too long, he went out and bought a different scooter…. a week before the Vino 125 came in. His loss is my gain.) It felt right to just get it now… We were going to finance it either way, I still need to get my M1 permit either way, why wait?

So, Saturday afternoon I drove this off the lot and to my LYS.

Karen, the owner, told us about the scooter she used to have, while Kat and Mom proclaimed it cute. 🙂 Unfortunately, because I needed to get it home before it got dark, I didn’t get to stay around and knit.

But the ride home was something else. We took San Tomas Expressway to Central Expressway to home. The husband followed in case anything happened. I got up to 45-50 mph… it was awesome. *grin* A bit indescribable, too. Just… wow.

I’m going to try going to the DMV on Thursday to take my written tests… yes, tests. Apparently, if you haven’t taken the class C (automobile) test in the last 12 months, they make you take it as well as the class M1 (motorcycle) test. It’s funny to think that I’m going to have a motorcycle license… I can’t take the scooter on the highway, but it’s still classified as a motor-driven cycle (a motorcycle with a 149 cc engine or less — the Vino 125 has a 125 cc engine, go figure). I can take it on the expressways which have speed limits of 45-50 mph, which is nice because they will get me to work, school, and my LYS.

Of course, now the husband says my dictate saying he can’t have a motorcycle is null.