Dope Fiend

So, I would have posted this last night, but we didn’t get home from the hospital till almost 10 pm.

I had a bit of an accident on my way home from work yesterday. The cars in front of me stopped suddenly. I put my scooter down instead of slamming into the back of a car.

Thankfully, nothing is broken. I was walking (albeit with a limp) and talking after it happened. (I doubt anyone who stopped to help me reads any blogs, but I would still like to put my thanks out there.)

I called Josh to tell him what had happened and he left work. The nice people in the car behind me had called 911 and said an ambulance was on it way, but it never showed. A cop did cruise by, but I guess since I wasn’t still laying in the road he figured everything was cleared up. I’m glad I had my knitting with me, it gave me something to do other than losing it in a Safeway parking lot (Besides, my favorite Elizabeth Zimmermann quote is “Knit on with confidence and hope, through all crises”). Josh arrived and it was decided that he would follow me home, then I would get in the car and we would go to the ER.

The nice ER people weren’t too worried about my head, since I had no head pain or vision problems and had been wearing a helmet. The main reason I went was the searing pain in my right knee and hip (the first 2 things to hit the ground). They took x-rays of my knee, but they looked fine. The doctor pronounced contusion and hematoma, saying something about the cartilage on the back of my knee cap. My hip is just bruised (ha, just bruised… the thing is about 5 inches across… ow). I was set up with a knee immobilizer and a prescription for Vicodin and 600 mg Motrin (just so you know, regular Advil is 200 mg)… the Motrin stuff is kinda scary… the instructions say in big capitalized letters “Do NOT lay down for 30 minutes after taking this medication.” WTF?

As the triage nurse assured me, I am feeling pain in places I didn’t know I had today. My shoulders and down the tops of my arms are stiff and sore. I’m going to try to see my chiropractor on Monday to make sure I don’t have any whiplash problems. Thankfully, my knee and my hip only hurt if I touch them. But, I pretty much feel like I would expect after hitting the road at about 30 mph.

Sorry, if this is a bit disjointed… I’m going to blame it on the happy drugs.

The really sad thing is I just started spinning up some roving a dyed a few weeks ago… now I probably won’t be able to get back to it for at least 1-2 weeks. *sigh* At least I’ll have plenty of time for knitting. 🙂

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