Just an friendly warning… this is more about my new diet then knitting.
Okay, that was hard… Today at work we had a safety faire (earthquake preparedness, rescue dogs, fire extingusher practice) which included a free box lunch. I picked one out with grilled chicken, and it turned out that the chicken was all I could eat. I had to toss the roll and the potato salad, and I left the chips and the chocolate chip cookies in the break room for someone else to snag. I love chocolate chip cookies, but I’m actually not fond of the brand they were handing out. How sad is that… I considered eating cookies that I don’t like just so I could have chocolate chip cookies. Where’s my knitting when I need something to soothe my nerves… oh, right, at home. *sigh*
Oh, look, an apple.
I didn’t work on the Wool Peddler’s Shawl last night… I should have. It might have stopped me from munching on popcorn. That’s one of the reasons I took up knitting… something to do with my hands. If my hands aren’t kept busy I’ll feel like I should be doing something, which can include eating when I’m not hungry.
I think I’ve eaten more fruit in the last week and a half than I’ve had in months.