
Here I was beginning to think it was just me, but apparently it’s not. I hadn’t thought to blame it on the moon though… good one. This may be hormones, or it may be people asking me to do stupid things… either way, both should be cured by the weekend. Please, weekend, come quickly.

I must have gotten a bug in my pants after reading Marcy’s post about cleaning things up yesterday. The Husband was not going to be home before 8 pm again, and I was bored, so I suddenly found myself straightening up my fiber room. I know, I was shocked, too. You can now see a good portion of the floor. Sadly, a person still can not sleep on the bed without some more cleaning, but they can now get to the bed. I even went so far as to employ the needle roll my Secret Pal sent me… I now know the location of several sets of different sized DPNs. Truly, awe inspiring, I’m telling ya. Of course, now I’m posting about and hoping that I don’t lose my whimsy, which begs the question of if I had any to begin with….

What’s really amazing is I managed to straighten up the fiber room, coming across yarn I had forgotten I had, and still managed to beat back the allure of a new project (remember, I have 4 on the needles right now). Now, I know there are some out there who thinks that 4 projects shouldn’t hold me back. But, I think 4 projects is my limit; when I was working on the squares for The Glick Project, they made 5, and I got nothing done very quickly on anything. While I love the process, feeling mired in the middle of several projects all at once is very disheartening. I’m loving working on Birch, but I am feeling a deep longing to get off Sleeve Island with Ribby Cardi (thankfully, I started the sleeve cap of sleeve #1 last night). *sigh* This having to go to work thing is putting a crimp in my knitting time… and classes start in a couple weeks… *gah*