Where did I put my concentration?

I managed to get some quality time with Birch yesterday. Two more rows and I am done with the 11th repeat. Each row does seem to have gotten a tad bit faster, which is good seeing as I have reduced my stitch count by almost 110 stitches.

I also managed to get my last secret pal package another step closer to the eager hands of my spoilee (well, I am assuming her hands will be eager to get this since mine are finding it difficult to see it go). I wrapped each item in pretty tissue paper and have acquired a box. Tonight, I may even fill the box with packing material of some sort, tape it closed, and address it. Wow! But if I do that there remains the question of if I can actually get it to the post office tomorrow, or if it’s going to have to wait till Saturday.

I think I have decided to forgo Secret Pal 6. With the way classes look to be going this semester, one less thing to worry about will be a good thing. I had forgotten what this was like… 3 short months is all it takes to forget. My XML class has a 30 page handout to read, a 20 minute lecture to watch, and the first weekly assignment to do. My Collection Management class has 2 chapters to read, a lecture to read, a biographical introduction to write, and a library/information center to choose for the semester’s class work/final project. It also seems that the Collection Management professor is expecting thoughtful weekly discussions from each of us… this sort of thing almost guarantees that I’ll have absolutely nothing thoughtful to say. Who knows? Maybe I’ll start reading the textbook and have an epiphany that reminds me why I am getting this degree.

To tell the truth I don’t think it’s going to be too bad… although the XML class may break my spirit.

Get me knitting, stat!

Apparently, my adrenal glands are ramping up for the Fall semester, which starts tomorrow, by the way. *ack* I didn’t take any classes this summer, so I’ve been relatively relaxed. Now, it’s time for preparation, so I spent a good portion of last night worrying over inane things.

I rounded off the evening with a though worry over whether or not I am wasting time/energy/money on getting my Masters when I’m not sure what exactly I’m going to do with it. Yes, I did keep Josh awake for at least an extra hour and a half while I worried out loud over this topic. And I managed to touch on many main points… it’s taking forever — at the rate I’m going (2 classes a semester), it’ll take me about 3.5 years (if not 4) to get my MLIS… this is sad because it’s supposed to be a 2.5 year program. “Fie!” I say. There was also discussion of the mounting student debt, which after this year (which includes my 4th and 5th semesters), will have reached about $20,000. That’s what I paid for my new car 3 years ago, and I got a car out of that deal.

My old chiropractor was under the impression that I am an adrenal junkie. I constantly have to have something to worry about in order to keep a steady stream of adrenaline in my system. I have always argued it is so that the major spike that occurs around exams and term papers does not shock my system stupid.

Perhaps I should try knitting more…