Otherwise, I would have posted a lot more.
Haven’t really been knitting.
Haven’t done any spinning.
On Monday:
- I found out I got a raise ($0.52 an hour).
- I found out my grandfather was hospitalised on Friday because he was experiencing breathing problems. According to what my dad (it’s his father) has told me my grandfather’s lungs are like swiss cheese, and both sides of his heart are weakened. There’s talk of a hospice… it could be 1-2 months or 1-2 years… after seeing the results from the cardiogram, the doctor said maybe 6 months. (This is kind of depressing but not terribly surprising… my grandfather has had a couple heartattacks and smoked a lot when he was younger… and my grandmother died in August, right before I started this blog… He’s the stoic one in the family… my grandmother was the backbone.)
On Tuesday:
- I started Weight Watchers…. well, actually I had my first weigh-in. *ugh* I started following the Core plan on Wednesday. Only a couple bumps in the road so far… the soy milk I’ve had my cappucinos made with was not plain like I thought (it’s got a little bit of sugar)… and eating lunch at work is a pain in the ass… a big, giant, pain in the ass. My near-by options are fast food, which is out, and all sorts of fried things. *sigh*
- For some reason, my cube is freezing… I might need to open a maintanance ticket with facilities. My finger tips should not feel like ice cubes.