This is the way we tink the shawl….

I tried to fix the hole three times, but after awhile I wasn’t sure which thread was from which row (it had dropped down 3-4 rows)… which stitch was supposed to be twisted or ssk or how many yarn overs I was missing. The stitches I was remaking were awfully tight making me think I had created a few stitches that weren’t meant to be there. I had a vague idea of where I was and what needed to be done… but I was missing a couple of stitches… I think.

This morning I just decided that I would actually be getting somewhere round about now if I had just started tinking instead of trying to reconstruct. There would probably be less frustration as well. Knitting has certainly taught me that mistakes are fixable… some just take more time than others. The lesson learned this week: When I think that perhaps I should stop and put in a lifeline, I should stop and put in a lifeline. Being able to just take this off my needles and rip back to a lifeline would be so much easier than slowly… painstakingly picking each stitch out. Sure, the purled rows are a breeze, but I’m not looking forward to taking out the three-stitches-to-one decreases in the next row.

Tomorrow, if all goes well with the tinking, I will post before and after pics.

Dropped stitches can be picked up, just like buildings rebuilt after an earthquake*.

*I’ve had earthquakes on the brain lately… having several will do that I guess.

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